Camp Downloads and Forms

Here are all the downloads and forms you will need to make sure your campers are fully prepared for camp.


What to Bring

An easy resource for campers and coaches to know what to pack and what the dress guidelines are

Download Packing List 


Parental/Legal Guardian Release

Needed if someone other than the legal guardian (or camper if the camper is 18 or older) signed the registration; can be used to update medical questions after submitting original registration

Download Release Form 
Authorization for Administration of Medication Form

Needed if the camper is bringing any routine or as-needed prescription medications, or if the parent or legal guardian wants the camp nurse to keep and administer any over-the-counter medications, vitamins/supplements, or essential oils brought by the camper


Shuttle Request

Needed for anyone requesting a shuttle between campus and Pensacola International Airport (PNS) or the Pensacola Greyhound Station

Download Shuttle Request 
Instrument Rental Form

Needed for any Music Academy campers who wish to rent their orchestra instruments
(Piano students receive free piano use.)

Download Rental Form